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Molly was adopted in January of 2006. She quickly adapted to the ways of a shop cat. She enjoyed the attention and liked the freedom to roam around the shop, and most importantly keep a watchful eye on the front door.

One day in late March, Peter was getting ready to head home from a Sunday of work. Easter was around the corner so the second busy season was rolling in. As always, he left food out for Molly and whistled for her. She did not appear, which sometimes did happen. She had probably made herself nice and cozy somewhere and did not want to be disturbed. She was after all a princess. It wasn’t until the Monday afternoon, that Peter realized Molly might in fact have wandered off. He asked neighbors if they had seen her, but no one had. It wasn’t until he whistled outside that he heard a faint meow. He then realized the sound was coming from between the buildings of 634 and 636 Hudson Street. He called the fire department and they came and told him that unfortunately there was nothing they could do. They suggested coaxing her out with some open cans of food, but other than that, they were at a loss.

Within days “Molly the Cat” became headline news. Irene was on a trip to Moscow and heard about her shop cat on CNN! Everyone from Animal Care and Control to Pet Psychics were lending a hand hoping to rescue Molly.

It was 12 days later, on a Friday night at 11:00pm that she was finally freed. Kevin Clifford and Mike Pastore were Molly’s rescuers. Kevin had been working on the water tunnels and kindly donated his time, and Mike came from Animal Care and Control. She had managed to get lodged up high by the ceiling of the shop about 15 feet from the front of the building. One can only assume that she survived on rodents. She was frazzled, and overwhelmed by the media and paparazzi that were eagerly waiting outside the shop. Her rescue was even announced at a home Met game!! For the next few days Molly appeared on Regis and Kelly, Good Day New York and was featured in most NY papers, including The Villager.

April 14th 2021 marked 15 years since Molly's rescue. 

Sadly, in December 2021, Molly passed away after a short battle with cancer.  She was a wonderful addition to the Myers of Keswick family. We take comfort in the long and happy years she lived at the store, where she made many friends. 

We cannot imagine a world without Molly but feel deeply grateful to have known her and hope you did too. 

In January of 2022, we adopted Gracie.  She has been a wonderful addition to the store.  She's playful and loves to meet new people.  She has some big "paws" to fill, but we are confident she will do a great job!  As long as she stays away from small spaces between buildings, we should be ok!